5 Steps to Think More Positively Every Day

It is common known fact that positive thinking is beneficial to our health. Not only do positive thoughts improve mental health but also our physical health too. Optimism helps us to be more productive and ultimately happier. However it can be difficult to put this into practice. For many people positive thinking is near impossible. So here are five steps to help you think more positively.

Step One: What you think, you become

It has been scientifically proven that our thoughts have a frequency and a corresponding vibration that attracts similar frequencies in our lives. It is the law of attraction. Positive thinking attracts positive energy. Negative thinking attracts negative energy. If positive thinking is something you struggle with, start small. Think of one thing you would like to achieve, even if it’s something small.  Visualise yourself achieving this goal and the steps you will take to do so. Think about this every day. Eventually you will get there.


Step Two: Connect with yourself

Modern life is fast paced and heavy involved with technology. It is easy to focus so much on getting from home to work to friends to home that we forget to spend time on our own. Try and take time out every week doing something relaxing and not connected with technology. Take a walk or read a book or even sit in silence and think about things other than your day to day.

Step Three: Write it Down

For some people this will work more than others. For many people writing things down allows them to understand better and to remember more easily. Try writing three positive affirmations on paper every day. Visualise these affirmations as you write them Commit them to memory. One you have done this, pick new ones.


Step Four: Treat Yourself Well

A lot of people find it easier to be kind to others than they do to be kind to themselves. It is often difficult to treat ourselves well, especially in the midst of failure or tough times in our lives. Nobody is perfect and we will all make mistakes at times that we regret. Although it is important to recognise when we have done something wrong, it is not healthy to hold on to this memory and hate ourselves because of it. Take note of the mistake, correct it in any way you can. If you have apologies to make, then do so. Then move on. Forgive yourself.


Step Five: Be Resilient

There are many harsh realities of life. Things will not always go to plan, in fact things may often be very challenging. Over time you should try to adapt to these pitfalls in life and learn to live with them or cope with them in a peaceful way. Resilience begins with adaptability acceptance and gratitude. During testing times, as well as trying to improve your circumstances also try to remain grateful for all the positive things in your life. Accept that what has happened is done. It is in the past, do not be angry at “the universe” for causing you this problem. Adapt to the situation, focus on improvement and moving on.